Thursday, February 15, 2018

Couples able to afford more homes than singles:

A couple with a combined household income of $80,800 could afford 82% of all US homes and would be able to save their down payment in just 5 years.

But for singles, its another story. 

An analysis from Zillow calculates that less than half of all US homes are affordable for a single buyer based on a median household income of $34,500.  And since they don't have the help of a spouse, it could take up to 11 years to save up enough for a standard down payment.

"Nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that buying a home is a central part of living the American Dream, but for unmarried or un-partnered Americans, that dream is increasingly out of reach," said Zillow senior economist Aaron Terrazas. "Single buyers typically have more limited budgets, which means they are likely competing for lower-priced homes that are in high demand. Having two incomes allows buyers to compete in higher priced tiers where competition is not as stiff."
